Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Fascination street (or the like)

Yesterday was one of those days when everyone was cranky and bored and spent most of the day arguing or in their rooms. I have higher hopes for this day. I am sleeping in most days so I wake up feeling like I wasted some of the day, but I should just enjoy it I think. My kids are finally big enough that I don't need to be up with them the minute they awaken, and it's really only the non-sleeper, my son, who gets up early anyways. Little gal and I roll out of bed about 9 it seems.

I am putting out the Costco feeler today but it is not being really well received. I may just go anyways since it has been months and I have major shopping withdrawals. There is only so much damage you can do at your local Wal mart. I have to drag both kids along with me for recycling business day tomorrow so I am thinking I will have to bribe them big time if I want to get great behavior and cooperation out of them two days in a row. We're looking at a game rental and lunch at Raunchy Ronnie's for this one. Maybe even ice cream, truth be told.

Em said something about an exodus to Alberta and I just think that would be lovely. Even Alberta is not as conservative as most of the southern states, so you're good to go. And lots of oil and gas, if Eduardo is experienced, he's in like Flynn. Whoever Flynn is. Then we just need Torn and Serge and Rebekah to come, and then JT and his gang, and we're like one big happy blogging family. Home schooling is quite popular in Calgary and there is a huge group that does events together and such. I know a few people who do it here and I know there is a great deal of freedom, you just follow the curriculum and they provide money and books, etc. and you are free to do as you please for the most part. The actual hours spent are minimal compared to the hours most kids spend in the schools. But Em probably already knows that.

Things are pretty quiet in the blogosphere of late, thank goodness for the hardcores like Chunks, Patricia, and Dawn, or my pc life would be dull and empty. I still somehow manage to spend more time than is likely healthy in front of this thing, this altar at which I seem to worship. I often think it is just another distraction I provide myself with to avoid seeking that which would challenge me creatively but whatever. If not this, then macrame or word find puzzles. I stop at nothing to avoid self actualization don't ya know. heehee.

And on that note, I will say goodbye, Happy Tuesday, and all that other good stuff.


Patricia said...

great title. i love the cure!

and just for future reference, any one of those bribes would work on me. all of the above and i'm putty in your hands! here's hoping your kids are the same way.

JT said...

Disintegration is one of my all-time favorite albums, and I used to wish I could look like Robert Smith. Isn't that completely sad? Anyway, no need to move to Alberta since everyone from there is vacationing here and buying up all the lake properties - i'll post on that later.
I need to do a Costco run - we are almost out of chicken - get the Hampton House teryaki - it's the bomb bbq'ed.

Chunks said...

The altar at which I worship.

Holy shit. I'm going to put that in glitter letters across the top of my laptop!!

I get the Hampton House chicken too but I get it plain because sometimes too much terriaki isn't a good thing. With the plain, you can add whatever you like. Versatility, that is what I go for.

I can't wait to get my environmentally friendly Cure tunage! I ripped you some last night, and I'm probably going to be running it into town tomorrow.

I hope Costco was lovely! I wish I was there with ya!

Anonymous said...

Self Actualization? What? You just up and started a danged recycling business! I'm beginning to suspect that you and Rox are overachievers!

Thanks for the encouragement. I haven't even seen Sicko yet and I'm sorely tempted. Plus, as you say, the allure of one large blogging family is strong.

Oh, I see no problem with bribing the kids. How do adults do anything? We get paid to do it! (Uh, unless you are a SAH mom or some crazy thing like that, *snort*.)

tornwordo said...

I worked on Em while I was there. She would be so much happier up North, but .......