Saturday, July 19, 2008

madonna , celexa, and snow

I really have nothing to say, and yet I have a lot to say I suppose. I've been away so long I wouldn't know where to start. Summer is so short here, and it's flying by. I know I should live in the moment but I can't help but see how the days are sailing away from me!

We had a week away as soon as school ended, and it was really good. A very long drive up to northern BC with an overnight on the way to break it up a bit, and then a week of sunshine and the beach with the kids and being well fed and taken care of. It was really rough on me, let me tell ya. Then the MIL came back with us for two weeks and took care of the house, the kids, and the cooking while I worked. Again, poor me! haha. I was actually sad to see her go for the first time ever. Not only am I the new and improved version on my meds, but she is the new and improved version and on good behaviour since last year. Put the two together and you find peace and harmony, it's like magic I tell you!

I'm working too much this summer to cover for a co worker who is having a joint replacement surgery. I'm trying to look at it as a means to get me some new furniture and a new vehicle perhaps. My parents and brother will come to help out as well, so I get my visiting in while I work through the week, it's all good.

I am still waiting with limited hope for some Madonna tickets to pan out for us, but it's not looking too good for us over here. Wah! I'm not even the hugest fan but I would really love to see her once. I also missed out on Radiohead and Coldplay tickets so I guess it's not my year to be a party girl. Dammit, I guess it really IS all downhill after 40....I kid. I actually think 40 is my new 25. For years, I went on and on about 25 being a huge year for me, where I went through huge growth and changes and it stuck out as being wonderful. Well now 40 is the one. Me loves me some 40.

Anyways, I don't even know if anyone bothers by anymore, but if you do, I hope you're well in your corner of life. Don't eat yellow snow.