Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Stop this train....I wanna get off

'cept I'm not sure about the whole "and go home again" thing. Ah, John Mayer, your soft dreamy voice is like the whipped cream on my strawberry shortcake. Or somethin'.....

Oh the sweet bliss of pre-menopausal psychosis. NOT!! I am deeply entrenched and it seems to be worsening at a rapid pace this past year. I am about ready to make an appt with my lovely female doctor who will not be telling me it's all in my head and to exercise more, but maybe provide me with some other options for managing it a bit better. When you reach the point that you just want to discard your body as it feels like your spirit is attempting to claw its way out of it, you know it's time to ask for some help. It feels so emotionally uncomfortable and painful, I can no longer embrace it maturely or effectively.

So, on that sweet note, I will proceed with Chunks' MEME, here goes:Three Things MeMe...

Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Child abductors
2. Semi trucks
3. Pitbulls

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Roxanne
2. Warren
3. Steve Carell

Three Things I Love:
1. Strawberry Shortcake(homemade only!)
2. Escaping in music
3. Laughing

Three Things I Hate:
1. Self centeredness
2. Gratuitous violence
3. Lazy parenting

Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Quantum physics
2. Extreme ambition/workaholics
3. Why anyone would want a stick shift

Three Things On My Desk:
1. John Mayer poster
2. Glass of wine I'm drinking
3. Computer!!!!

Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. Drinking
2. Barely coping
3. Did I mention drinking?

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. See my kids have babies/be a cool granny
2. Travel
3. Pursue artistic expression

Three Things I Can Do:
1. Headbang like a sumbitch
2. Make up really silly songs
3. Worry about inconsequential shit

Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. Rocket science
2. Knit
3. Chin ups

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Your instincts
2. Advice from your parents
3. Coldplay

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. Male doctors over 50
2. Mean gossip
3. Commercials

Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. How to sew really well
2. To play an instrument
3. To be fully spiritual in a healthy way

Three Favorite Foods:
1. Prime Rib
2. My homemade strawberry shortcake
3. French fries and gravy

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. Mr Dressup
2. Happy Days
3. General Hospital

Three Things I Regret:
1. Losing my virginity so young and to the wrong guy
2. Not asking for more help after having my babies
3. Pleather pants and fingerless gloves

And there you have it folks! Rock on! Oh I almost forgot I'm supposed to tag someone, not sure who is even reading so I'll wing it with Patricia, Torn, and Rebekah!

Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunshine on my shoulders.....

will give me cancer! Didn't seem to stop me from getting a little pink on the shoulders today when I was outside in my sunbathed snow free green grassed back yard pretending to dig a garden. The weather was gorgeous yesterday and today, but I missed all of it yesterday as I was at my boring crappy excuse for a job. Oh well, mama's gotta buy her trinkets y'know.

Like funny little foam hair rollers. I bought some. You might ask,"why would someone with hair like you need rollers?" Well, grasshopper, it's to loosen the nasty old frizzy curls if you can believe it. So I sit here tonight with rollers in my hair and a do-rag on feeling a bit like a babushka or something. I'm sure I'll think it looks like total shit in the morning and wet it all down and start over anyways, but it's worth a shot.

I used to love listening to John Denver when I was young, but I never actually much liked this song. I liked most of his songs that didn't become quite as popular and my parents were huge fans so we listened to a great deal of it! Ian and Sylvia, Johnny Cash, Johnny Horton, Marty Robbins, Elvis, all of that genre. I love it still because it brings me back to what I now see as a simpler time in my life. At the time, I was thinking it was just crap a lot of the time since I was a bit of a drama queen, (probably still am-heehee). Then you become a mom and see it all differently.

Then we got a bit older and my parents started letting us choose the odd fluffy music to bring home, so ABBA was HUGE in our house, and I still love them. Always have, always will. I and the kids watched a special about them the other night and they were enthralled with it and really enjoyed the music even after all these years. Cool. I love it. My little gal is so funny, she was telling me earlier today that she can write her own songs and sing them too and she will be a songwriter when she grows up. The way she says it is the best part really. She does walk around all day making up songs and singing away, it is really something to hear. Pure fun entertainment!!

I hope you all had a wonderful spring weekend, and start your week off refreshed, relaxed, and regenerated. I love alliteration. I know, I'm a geek.

Oh and I had to change my template in order to have it show the damn date as the one I had didn't seem to want to co operate. That was for Rebekah!!:)

Thursday, May 24, 2007

We've got everything....

Anyone up for a little Modest Mouse? One of my favorite CD's right now...give them a listen.


If that link doesn't work it's because I truly have no fargin' clue what I'm doing. But type them in and have a listen. They rock!

It snowed here last night, about a million fucking inches to be exact! Everything is totally covered, about a foot deep on my BBQ and it is still fallin'. How do you like them apples? Me, not so much.

Have a happy day, I am pretending it's spring.

Monday, May 21, 2007

Bewitched, bothered and bewildered...

I know it's supposed to rain on the May long weekend, it's like some sort of unspoken rule, maybe even snow if we're really lucky;), but it made me feel a bit blah and melancholy this weekend. I had me some plans, and they went solidly awry. They involved outdoor activity, digging in the dirt, sprinklers spraying, sunlight bearing down on my shoulders and the like. None of the above came to pass. Rain, rain, rain, and some wind just to make it all the more special. Oh pooh, I say.

A big fat solid smelly one actually. That was for Chunks and Torn. heehee.

I know there are other lovely weekends to come, but I was wanting an escape from the indoor chores which I have been successfully skirting for the past month or so, and so then I was forced to just admit that I am a lazy ass and feel pissed at myself for continuing to avoid with no real great excuse, damn it all to hell! Sometimes I don't like to face the truth, I am a slacker at times. I wander around my house dreaming up things to do so I can avoid washing my floors or cleaning toilets, but at some point, mama's gotta get to it. I know this, but it just seems more practical to do it when none of the messy monsters otherwise known as my family are around to mess it up again in 5 god damn minutes! However, when they are gone, I just want to bask in the serenity and me time and I continue to talk myself out of these nasty chores. I needs me a housekeeper or something.

I followed Chunks' advice and gave my son a humorous booklet about him that I wrote up, complete with slightly nasty illustrations and the odd nasty joke, and it was fun, the whole aftermath of that. Not a lot was said, but the point was definitely well made and well taken. She is one smart mama that little friend of mine! Have I mentioned that I love her?!?:)

Anyways, I'm not sure what has me bewitched, but I am definitely bothered and a bit bewildered. Ella is quite bewitching, so I guess the song itself can be enough.....

My weekend was very nice, just not quite what I had in mind, and I don't do well with change:o
haha. Hope all you cats had a Purrrfect one.

Monday, May 14, 2007

People are strange....

Fuck are they ever! Including myself. I know I know, I have been away for ever, what with the starting the business and the massive hormonal ragings of middle life. I have been unfit for human consumption. Stressing, crying, yelling, ranting, laughing, crying some more, you ladies know the drill, and let me tell you, it is something I could truly do without. The past few years I seriously wish to crawl out of my skin and discard the whole lot, and it just seems to get worse and worse. Me needs me some good drugs! And likely more sleep but that is a whole other story.

My oldest child turned 8 this week. The year he was born it was Mother's Day on his birthday, so he was my first ever Mother's Day gift. His Mother's Day gift to me this year depicted me as an evil monster who yells at him all the time and is only happy when he is in his room, so that made me feel quite shitty. I peeked at it ahead of time and cried my eyes out all that night. When he gave it to me on Sunday morning he was laughing saying it was only meant as a joke, so I think I might take Chunks' advice and do up a little book of my own about him as a joke. heehee. Why is being a mom so hard sometimes? Considering my mood all week, I guess you can't blame the kid.

Yesterday afternoon was his kid's party. He invited 12 kids in total, 2 parents called to confirm! Several of the other kids told him they were coming, so I got all the stuff and was all set to do this t shirt painting goody bag project thing. 3 kids showed up. Is it just me, or is that just beyond fucking rude? Who ARE these people? What is wrong with them? Last year the same thing happened, and I was dismayed. I have never seen such rudeness on that scale before any of the places we've lived and had parties for our kids. Lots of people say it's the town, that it's really cliquey, and I know that it is, but the boys actually seem worse than the girls here. It's not as if they aren't his friends and he's just hoping, they play and hang out at school and they invited him to their birthdays and all that, so what the FUCK???? I think it's the parents who are super cliquey and just basically FUCKTARDS! I am pissed, can you tell? People are such assholes it is beyond me. I know people are busy and it was mom's day and all that, but as if they can't find the time to make a 5 min call. Not the way I conduct my life. Basic manners people. I feel bad for my son, he keeps saying how he feels sad about it. I felt my heart tugging when I dropped him off this morning.

Anyhoo, the business is starting up nicely and we have a few clients already so that is exciting. The weather is beautiful and the grass is green, the buds are coming out, and some of the more green thumb people's tulips are open, so spring has officially sprung! I put a deposit down on a puppy a while ago and we will get her sometime in August so I am waiting!!!!! I am third in line for a little female schnoodle (schnauzer/poodle cross), they are just so darn sweet and smart and small, and I am really looking forward to a new baby that isn't really a baby.

So a Happy Belated Mother's Day to all you Moms out there and I hope everyone was treated divinely and lovingly by those they give so much of themselves to on a daily basis. You deserve it all you mommas!

Have a nice day!

Friday, May 4, 2007

slip slidin' away........

Good golly miss molly, the days, they are slip slidin' away!!! The week has been a blur of astronomic proportions! Where to begin?? First off, I love Paul Simon, and thinking of him singing that song makes me want to sing it too. His music is always so melodic and socially conscious. I need to listen to some Joni, cuz I never have and I bet I would like her too.

The week has been incredibly busy. The friend I went to see John John with has convinced me that we should start a business so all week we have been running around and planning and designing logos and planning our marketing and trying to find out what we need to do in order to do it all correctly since neither of us have done this before. So I have had a very overwhelming week to put it mildly. We are starting a service which is needed but already has one other person who provides it in our town so we'll see if it works out. Nothing glamorous about this venture either. Curbside recycling and kitchen compost pickups. So few people in these farm towns recycle and the awareness really needs to be raised. Most of them have money and little in the way of time so I think it will work. The people who are still on the farms might do some of their own stuff but so many of their kids are now in town and working elsewhere so it really changes things. In no time, they are huge consumers and the environment is often not on their radar. My plan is to put it there, FIRMLY!!! WE have a local depot here which takes pretty much everything imaginable so we can just drop it here for them. Win, win. Scary though. We are trying to do it with a minimal investment to start and then see if we can grow it enough to get a vehicle dedicated to the service. Yeesh, I am so excited and scared and all of these things at the same time.

We also started soccer this week and I am assistant coach on my son's team, which is pretty humorous since I know nothing about soccer!! I was kind of wrangled into it and was feeling so stressed about all of this other stuff and didn't want to go. Then we had such a great time!! It was the perfect distraction from everything that was going on in my mind. It surprised me how therapeutic it was. My husband is coaching our daughter's team too so we head to different fields in opposite ends of town, and it's nice to spend that dedicated time with one child. Last year I was with her and he was with our son so I'm glad we switched it this year. I am sensitive about the whole splitting the family off into genders thing that so many of them do. It icks me out.

My son has been up a lot the past couple of nights A LOT, having bad dreams and feeling yukky with a cold coming on and it has been a bit tiring for me!!! There's no school here today so I slept in a bit this morning, which was just so lovely I can't tell you. My kids are old enough now to be awake on their own a bit in the mornings and I am NOT a morning person at all, so I think I started waiting for that to happen around the age of 2 weeks. haha. Note I always insert the haha's too. I think I learned to do that from having people take emails too literally in the past. It's hard to show enunciations or emphasis so a haha will have to suffice. haha.

Well, time to haul my tush off the chair and onto the treadmill. I have already lost some poundage so it is a great motivator. And it really does set your brain for the day, and reduce stress, so it will be a life saver for me, and my family(HAHA) over this next while.

Happy Friday everyone. Try not to let your life slip slide away!!!
