Thursday, March 22, 2007

Hello world!

Well, well well.....If it isn't me, the malleable one. Chunks pestered me a while and I decided my reasons for not blogging were likely ready to be challenged. To one extent or the other. Now I just have to think of something interesting to say....

The sun was shining here in Alberta today, and I would think that is cause for celebration! It keeps teasing us by showing up and melting all the snow, only to be followed by MORE SNOW! Any day now people, any day now. I just reminded myself of some lameass high school teacher when I said that. Of course, you have to say it in a really nasal monotone for it to be truly effective.

I have the song "If I Were a Carpenter" by Johnny Cash in my head lately. WHY??????? I mean, it's a great song, and I loves me some Johnny, but it's been fucking days now, I need some relief. I think it's time to buy some new tunes. Dickey introduced us to Stereophonics recently and I loved their sound, but have yet to pick up a CD.

Music, interesting word really. Never really thought about the word itself until just now.

Anyhooooooooooooooooooo...that's all. for now.



Chunks said...

Well, bonjourno seniorita! (did I spell that right?)

This excites me beyond the beyond! Especially since the gods seem to be fucking with our videos!!

I can't wait to read what you have to say! Woohoo world, lookout, here she comes!!!!!!!!

I'm so selfishly happy that you decided to do this. But I hope you benefit from it also! LOL!

Jenny said...

Yay!!! I echo Chunks' excitement!!!
Welcome aboard!

Patricia said...

well it's about damn time.


i mean, welcome :)

JT said...

well slap my ass and call me judy.... nobody told me you were here! whoo hooo, it will become addictive.... and then you'll let it slide... and then it will be addictive... and on it goes!
Right on Devo, rock the casbah!

Anonymous said...

Ok I am totally outta the loop. you have been here since March? Shit, I must have been sleeping..
Welcome aboard. :)