Tuesday, March 27, 2007

Moving bites!

Last night I called Chunks. My poor little buddy is feeling the stress. Moving bites. Especially moving from one city to another, or worse yet, another province. One or two of those, and you quickly find your resolve to stay the fuck put! I already miss hearing from her and she hasn't even gotten into the full blown moving thing yet! I remember the pain from my last move and it aint pretty. She and I tend to be a fair bit alike so I relate. We love you Chunks! Vent vent, we can all use the humor in our lives!!

It snowed here AGAIN last night. Every couple of nights or so, it snows enough to cover the ground and chill us down, and then the sun comes out after lunch and melts it all and we're outside in tshirts after school. Then the friggin sun goes down and it snows again! ARGHHH! Where is the spring time I so am longing for? I am dreaming of my first garden ever this year, and I need to move beyond winter NOW! I love the changing seasons, don't get me wrong, but I feel like a petulant child this year with the weather humming and hawing all over the place.

My mother in law is visiting this week. She is a teacher and it is spring break for BC schools so she came to see us. She is always very helpful so it's like a little holiday for me. I enjoy that greatly. Laundry done, meals cooked, kitchen cleaned, and I get to work on other projects and spend more time with the kids, so it is really a nice break. We are very different people and it has taken me almost 13 years to get used to her detached and cool persona, so I still steel myself for her visits and am then pleasantly surprised at how thick my once delicate skin has become!!

So that is all for me today. I want to say a Happy Belated Birthday to the lovely JT!
Have a great day all!



tornwordo said...

The snow is almost melted here too, but now I see snow for all of next week in the forecast, sigh.

Chunks said...

OMG I am home (for now) with my internet connection and pleased to see an entry from you! I will send you a video ASAP. The family turmoil has me in a fucking tither.

Anonymous said...

Yay Devo! I'm so glad to read you.

Instead of going to bed which is the really smart thing, I'm going to blogroll you immediately.

JT said...

oh, it is snowing all the frigging time here, then melts by afternoon and it's muddy and gross, then the mud freezes..... sick of this bullshit!
I still can't believe you are here! rock on my friend!