Wednesday, December 19, 2007

Sappy dog lovers unite!

Yes it's official. I love my dog.

I always used to think people who cried excessively over or doted on their dogs as though they were children, were, well, a bit silly. Overly emotional, dramatic, shall we say.

I dropped Casey off this morning for her spay. She knew something was up, no food, leaving with us to take kids to school, then to the vet. Tail was firmly between legs, legs bent, shaking like a damn leaf, and my heart almost cracked leaving her there. I felt her fear and I started tearing up just like all the other softies I inwardly scoffed at all these years.

Fuck. Guess I really am a dramatic sap after all. Or maybe I'm just normal, whatever that means. I am always embarrassed crying in front of other people, it's not my thing. So when I was berating myself and apologizing to the girl, she said something like, "If you didn't cry, we would think it unusual, this is what everyone does." Oh well then, I guess it's ok to be a blubbering idiot. Sorry, not I. A few drops fell and that was it. Done. I am worried though and feel so sad for her being all alone with strangers overnight.

In other news, I am finally done my shopping, but it is all hidden all over the place and not wrapped. I just sent some cards and a couple of parcels yesterday, and it cost me more to send them than it did for the contents! I had to express them so they would arrive on time, and then after that, I thought, damn! Why didn't I send them on the trusty Greyhound (our national bus service)?? It would have been faster and so much less expensive! Duh. Next year.

I got my real tree last night. I have a very old fake one that I let the kids decorate however they like. It always kind of drove me a little crazy inside having it look so mish mashy and uncoordinated, and lopsided, so when we moved here a couple of years ago, in one of my many efforts to soothe my insanity, I bought all gold and cream ornaments and accessories and started a new tradition of mommy's tree. I love this new tradition, it truly provides me so much pleasure that it is a bit obscene. Tonight I dress my pretty tree and sit before it with a glass of rum and nog. After the concert and bake sale that we are doing at the school that is.

My parents and brother arrive tomorrow and the insanity of the season begins. I love it. A few other family members sprinkled here and there and lots of fun and food.

Right after New Year's my parents and siblings are heading to Regina for my nephew's grad from RCMP basic training. Crazy. I remember him still as a little boy. Now he's this big tall man with a whole new set or responsibilities.

I should be at the gym right now getting some exercise, but I felt the need to blog. I'd best be getting my shortcake/buttertart/lemon slice ass moving though.

Happy Hol's peeps!!!!


Rox said...

I knew you'd come over to the dark my whilst you decorate. I'll have a shot of Vodka with you.

tornwordo said...

I'm gonna have a rum and eggnog tonight. Hope you make it through the insanity!

Patricia said...

oh i'm so glad you've joined the over-the-top puppy mommy club!! the night of indi's spaying was miserable for me. i, too, hated thinking of her all alone in a (gasp) cage! i was so worried about keeping her still and quiet when she came home and she was pretty much clueless that she'd just had surgery. ran around and jumped like nothing had happened.

enjoy your little tree trimming, it sounds lovely. merry christmas, devo!!!

Anonymous said...

It's so great to hear you enjoying yourself for the holidays.

My grandmother always felt so glad to spay her dogs. She viewed it as an act of mercy because "then the poor little thing never had to experience the curse".

JT said...

who's gonna blog first, you or me?