Sunday, April 1, 2007

Hallelujah, it's Sunday!

Not to say I am a religious woman, but I have things to be happy about. So Hallelujah!! My MIL left today! Sounds rude of me perhaps, but it is nice to have my space back and all that. She gets on my nerves after a few days as she is quite intolerant in some ways and admonishes me when I speak out to my husband (her darling offspring). har-de-fucking-har. Nuf said.

And then I suppose if I were religious, I could say Hallelujah!! just because it's Sunday. If I wanted. Don't get me wrong, I'm no atheist or agnostic or whatever, but I am not a churchgoer either. No organized religion here, thank you ever so much.

I can also say Hallelujah!! because the kids had a long weekend from school and are bored since it was cold and snowy all weekend and they will now be returning to school and leaving me in my newly empty house to fart and make messes and do whatever the hell I like. Praises be to the public school system I say!

Then there is also that I got a bonus at work yesterday, a piddly one, but free money nonetheless and I look no gift horses in the mouth, or at least I try to avoid doing so, hehe.
I'm sure there are many other wonderful things I could be saying a big fat Hallelujah!! about as well, but they are escaping my weak and delicate sleep deprived mind at the moment.

In other news, I feel as if I have been painting my main floor for friggin ever, and I am still not finished. I was going to do some of it today but I felt too tired and I had a heartbreaking book to read which was making me cry alot and apparently I felt like crying so I kept reading it until it was all done. Chunks recommended it, a Meg Tilly novel called "Gemma" and let me say, it is not for the faint of heart, it was a heartbreaking and disturbing read and it was really well written. And so incredibly horrid and beautiful all at the same time.

So that is all for me, tomorrow is another day and I feel compelled to paint. Wish me the motivation to succeed, I may need it. Happy Sunday to all, and a great big friggin Hallelujah to top it all off! Please note that this is not meant to offend the religious in any way, shape, or form. I loves me some bible thumpers, my parents are two of my favorites!! Well they don't really thump them, it's more like fondling really-haha!



Jenny said...

Hallelujah right back!! What colour are you painting your main room? Take some pics!
My MIL comes for a week long visit next Friday. I'll probably be praising her exit when she leaves as well!!
Hope you enjoy your day to yourself tomorrow!!

Chunks said...

Wasn't Gemma just an amazing story of resilience and strength? I fricking loved that book!!

I am sitting here in the basement FREEZING my ass off catching up on blogs. Oh my, I've missed my peeps!

Chunks said...

I still can't get over your parents and their bible fondling! What a way to put it!! hahahah!

Anonymous said...

gotta love painting.. not. That is one thing I do not enjoy, that and drywalling..