Wednesday, October 24, 2007

I love annie

I know, I know. I have not changed religions, not that I had one to begin with. I am not anti-blogging, I am not sad, I am not injured, I am just so friggin busy that I barely have time to pee. Other that life being super busy lately, I am doing great, for all of those who care. And I thank you for caring, I really do. :)

After I returned from my wonderful beautiful weekend of quiet, I fell headfirst into planning a party, working too much, catching up on housework, volunteer duties at the school, and both kids starting their respective winter activities. My son is playing hockey for the first time this year and is totally loving it, but it is a bit of a time hog, so it's all another schedule juggle in our busy lives. We spend last weekend getting a playground built at the school so it's just been super hectic. Thank God for the drugs. And I mean that whole heartedly!!!

I feel like the me I was supposed to be all these years. I have little to no anxiety at all, I am able to get angry and then drop it without flying into a red rage, I am not paranoid about others and what they think of me anymore. I can still laugh, likely more than I did before, and I can still cry so it's not like I've flattened out. I wish I had done it 20 years ago, I really do. I suffered for no good reason and I am so happy I finally admitted that I needed help. Wow. I am now feeling like I am the person I have always strived to be. I don't panic at the mere thought of vulnerability or opening up too much. It is just so great and I see the difference already in my family because of it.

I have had two horribly obnoxious and nasty colds in the past month and a half so I am hoping the snot is all done with until the New Year! I lost my voice for almost an entire week and that was hard for me, but I think my kids loved it-haha!

Today I did the recycling pickups and then went with the car to the give and take at our local depot. I found some goodies and I was struggling to get them into my little car to no avail. This older couple pulled up beside me and asked where I lived cuz they wanted to load up my stuff and drive it home for me. How freaking cool is that?? Before, I would have felt like crying accepting such a nice gesture and then felt anxious about accepting and a whole myriad of crap. Today I felt overjoyed and buoyant and thankful and that was all. It is magnificent!! I got a solid wood sideboard with sliding doors and a lovely little drawing desk on casters for the kids. Both are solid wood and in great shape and will look awesome after a nice coat of paint. SCORE!! Life is good today, I'm tellin' ya. Now I am heading back to pick up a nice white door I saw there that I am going to put legs on and use as a craft/art table so I can have my supplies at the ready and organized!!! I am cranked up on all this today!!

I have been listening to the new Annie Lennox cd all morning and it is pure gold, absolutely beautiful and full of loveliness. All the sisters and maybe even some of the brothers need to listen to this one, it is worth every cent I spent buying it in hard copy.

The sun is shining, and this day is rolled out before me. Have a great one everyone!


Chunks said...

I don't know if I can be your friend anymore, you're too fucking cheerful for my tastes.


Of course, I am totally kidding! I've noticed it in you, that you are you again. You laugh easier and you are just more jolly in general. It tempts me to take the medication route my own self, but ahhh I'm okay.

I've been rotating Annie, John, and Cyndi for days now. It's like a trifecta of superness or something! Orgasmic to the ears. And soul.

Patricia said...

what a lovely post. i can just hear/feel/read the calm oozing out of you and i think it's wonderful. you deserve it!

selfishly,i wish your life would slow a tad so we could get more posts from you :)

Anonymous said...

It is so cool to read about what the drugs have done for you. I mean that so deeply. Yay!

Sad you are going to lose Rox, but then she will never be able to stay away. (eg)

Everyone loves the Annie. You know, I listened to that really bitter one from the late '90s and it sort of turned me off to her. I should probably retry her. Since everyone is raving.

Jenny said...

I'm going to head down to Wally World and pick up the new Annie L. CD. I can't wait.
Glad that all is well with you!

tornwordo said...

I downloaded it from itunes (which has BONUS TRACKS) and have fallen in love with it too.

Sounds great with the new regime. There's nothing better than feeling right in one's skin.

Anonymous said...

Better living through chemistry.

Why is it we put it off and put it off if it's a problem in "our heads?"

I mean, if you broke your arm, it's not like you'd wait and try to take care of it yourself, right?

I'm so glad things are better for you. Now... does that mean we're going to get more posts outta you?