Tuesday, October 30, 2007

Chicken Little

Holy crap.

I have PMS. It's a cranky time, but not a psycho cranky time so I can't really complain.

My life is so busy and will be for the next couple of weeks as I'm covering holidays for someone so am working more than I really wish to. I am having a really hard time finding time to go to that gym I joined and it's rankling me because the desire is there, but the means is not. I'm going to a yoga class in the morning though and I hear you have to get there early to get a spot on the floor so I hope I make it in.

My kids are so excited about the massive sugar blast tomorrow! They party and binge all day at school so they're good and fucked up before you even get them home. Then you try to force some broccoli into them and clean the crumbs and drool off their wrinkled costumes and forge out into the cold to fill bags and buckets full of tooth decaying crap. WOOHOO! What a party it is though. I remember how fun it was for us and I get it, but as a parent it feels a bit obscene to me. haha.

A woman I work with just found out her 31 year old SIL who has a 1 year old baby has terminal cancer. Fuck. That is so not fair. I know she also lost her mother to cancer so this is just so not cool. I didn't know what to say to her and I didn't want to make her cry. It's fucking awful. Damn cancer anyways.

We were talking today about all this crap talk about how our premier is upping the oil and gas royalties in our province, and now all the oil and gas people are fucking crying about it and saying they'll have to leave so they can make money, and we better be careful what we support because our costs will increase if it happens, blah fucking blah. I call bullshit first off. So they make a few million less, they still make a fuck of a lot of money so boo hoo. And also, maybe if they want to go elsewhere, they should. Then maybe we can support some alternative energy sources that won't vaporize the damn planet and they can lose their friggin monopoly and we can call it a success. I don't buy that propaganda that starts up every time big business thinks their bottom line is going to suffer, and all of a sudden the damn sky is falling. WHAT-EVER!
I wish people in this province would pull their greedy heads out of their asses sometimes.

Rant over. Whew, I feel better now.
Caio babies.


anabel said...

I just got back and collapsed after the tradional Halloween party I host at my Martial Arts school. Two of them actually. One for the younger studetns and one for the older ones. Fun but exhausting!

I'm going to my Boot camp tomorrow dressed as a beat up Boxer.

tornwordo said...

Yeah, the oil companies will be wherever there is OIL. Duh. They can saber rattle all they like, they're staying.

Chunks said...

I can't bitch about the oil and gas industry now since the Clam gig. Sigh.

Sad about your co-workers' sister in law. Brutally sad. A bitter reminder to live life to the fullest.

Anonymous said...

Oh I'm so with you on the obscenity of Halloween. But still, if I deny them, I'm the Worst Parent Ever. Today I cut up a lot of red bell peppers for them and their friends to eat for lunch in the hopes of getting some fiber into them. It won't work of course.

I hope I don't over step my boundaries here, but I hate the institutionalized toxic exposures that we are all subjected to worse than I hate the cancer that it causes. I hate the greed and stupidity that allows it to happen even worse than that. I'm super sorry about your friend.

Oh yeah, you ranted about the greed and stupidity too. We're practically twins.

Patricia said...

i'm sorry about your co-worker. i understand not wanting to make her cry. this, from a cryer. it's a hard balance to be supportive and not nosy, to be helpful and yet not open an emotional can of worms. i wish her peace.

and i hope it slows down enough for you to get a breather. the yoga sounds cool.