Monday, April 23, 2007

Lalalalalala-live for today.....

Ahhhhhh! The sun is shining, the birds are singing, and I am alone in my house. Could life possibly be any sweeter? Oh, and I started my new exercise routine this morning after my 8 month hiatus. My ass is feeling a bit doughy, but things are on the mend. Spring is in the air, and bathing suit season is coming. My new workout friend K said we needed to get back into our bikinis and I said"Girl, I have NEVER worn a bikini, if you can get this body into a bikini, I will love you forever!" She used to be a competitive body builder before she had babies, so there may be hope for my doughy ass after all!! It's not the exercise I find hard, it's the restricted eating that gets me, but whatever, one day, meal, minute at a time. If I can quit smoking, I can quit donuts, no?

I feel optimistic and self actualized today. I think Daddy-o slipped somethin' into my coffee this mornin'-HAHA! Roll with it, I say.

I'm off to get groceries, all BY MYSELF!!!!! Ah, the things we mothers look forward to.



Chunks said...

Oh you kook! Donuts and smoking are not the same. You can't live without DONUTS! God, you remember those donuts your mom used to make? I have the recipe in my kid handwriting. I should copy it and send it to you because it looks cute. I imagine you have the recipe.

My bed is together!!!!! I get to sleep in it tonight! I'm going to bed as soon as the blankets are dry. AS SOON AS, so I can get full bed potential. Our carpet is down and it looks fabulous. We used a seamer for the first time ever and it worked like slick shit.

THe sun finally came out here at about 2PM and whoa Nelly, it is glorious! +13C!!! Fuck me!

Send me a video when you have a moment. I am assuming you didn't have time today, or else the video gods are fucking with our heads again. My comment was longer than your entry.

JT said...

Well, now I will be singing that damn la la la la live for today all night. But at least it replaced Avril's Girlfriend, which has been in my head for about 300 hours.
And since I always listen to this oldies AM station, I've been singing this hokey song they played that goes something like "I think it's really groovy now, that people are startin' to get together" or something, and she repeats it over and over, and it's so awful it's brilliant.
Anyway, what's your favorite kind of donut?

Devo said...

Well JT, I can't say I have a true favorite since I've never really met one that I was unwilling to eat. My true weakness is the sticky soft unglazed cinnamon buns made at our local bakery(they are the absolute best I've had, and I have tried every single one I'ver ever met) and after two of those, I'll have a glazed or dipped, cake or yeast, doesn't really matter, for dessert. See what I'm sayin'? It's a sickness really. Devo

Anonymous said...

Hey, thanks for stopping by my blog!

Even here is Southern California it was obviously spring today. Not that it is as much of a relief as when you live up North.


Patricia said...

uhmmm can i get a shot of whatever it is that went into your coffee? please? in fact make it a double.