Monday, April 30, 2007

Monday Monday, lalalalala........

JOHN MAYER IS THE SHIT!!!! He rocked the casbah people! He sounds just as lovely in person as he does recorded, and he is a true musician. That boy can play, and he moves his lithe body around the stage like he is dancing with that guitar. It was truly wonderful. I didn't know every song as I don't own his first two albums, but I enjoyed every minute of it. There was no closeup view on the big screen for us to see his face while he played and I think that was too bad, but I am sort of assuming he chose not to waste all the power to run that thing. He is posting on his blog about making a stronger effort for the environment so I wonder romantically if that was why.

Besides my date with FUGS, I did some shopping, eating, and drinking, and fun was had by all. It is always good for me to take a couple of days away from my full time job as wife and mother and cook and housekeeper and just be Devony once in a while. It really helps me keep some semblance of balance in my inner world. Precarious as it may be some days, balance is maintained-haha.

Thanks to all of you who read that huge post and enjoyed it and left such nice comments. It was a bit of work to write that and I felt I really needed to get it right, so I am most happy that Roxanne really felt that I had done it justice. She is always one of my biggest encouragements to move outside of my comfort zone.

To answer some of JT's questions, my mom has since had treatment for depression and is still struggling with it to this day, but has done a lot of therapy lately and seems to be having a lot of success with that and the latest medications she has tried. My parents never really went to church much mostly because they didn't always agree with what was being taught, and my mom had a lot of hangups, as she was brought up very strong Catholic. One of her sisters spent 6 years in the convent. All of her sisters have struggled with anxiety and mental health issues on and off as well. So although she held on to so many of the beliefs she was raised with, she was always struggling to put things into a new less guilt ridden context. There was a lot of shame and guilt involved in her endoctrination, and she was a sensitive artist type so she took it all more to heart than some people do I suppose.

I think those two things together may serve to explain why they were so all over the map in the way they raised us. Conservative yet liberal, creative yet restrained, joyful yet sad. She was really trying to find her way and dad was the silent partner. He often attended church without her over the years, but it never bothered him. They never ever tried to force us to go, but it was a constant topic of conversation in our house so we didn't need to go really. Anyways, I can't really remember now what the other things JT asked me were, so I guess that's it for now.

I am kind of liking the whole song theme thing for my titles right now, but the material may be a bit lacking??

I hope you all have a glorious day in all your worlds!!



Chunks said...

you had me at lithe body.

I frigging love him. I knew when I saw his live video footage of Gravity that he was the real deal. I mean, hotness aside, the kid has chops.

The whole song titles as blog titles works for me! I say keep em coming!

Patricia said...

it's comforting to me how we all tend to seek out the things we are lacking and yet in the end, we wind up close to people who are so very much like us, afterall.

you two have gotten me all emotional!

JT said...

My kids are begging to go to Edmonton. Of course, with my wife working 1/2 time, it ain't in the cards, but it's a small price to pay for having a mom at home half the week. Where'd ya stay and what did ya do? I like Mayer, but i'm not a big huge fan - Jann Arden is in stoon this week and i didn't get tickets. Loser.
I didn't know you were a coldplay fan! Unlike most of the world, I loved the last album - it brings back good memories. But name your kid Apple... fuck off already.
hey devo, how many kids do you have? I just realized I have no idea.....

r said...

I saw John Mayer a couple of summers ago. He was playing back up for Buddy Guy, who opened for Etta James. I leaned over to my friend and said, "doesn't that guitar player look like a skinny John Mayer?"

And it was!

I love his new album.