Saturday, June 23, 2007

Hello, is anybody out there?

Holy doodlebugs Batman, my life has been nothing short of crazy lately. Between all the general goings on of school ending, work, the new business, housework, and the rest of it, I have been spinning in circles most days. I have had some ongoing health issues with my daughter and then she got an infected finger and needed iv antibiotics, and well, life carried me away down a big nasty river and spit me out the other end. I feel exhausted. But happy that most of it seems to be abating, for now. Knock on the petrified wood that is my head. My brain is still in there somewhere, it's just a bit.....logey.

One child is done school for the year, well except for her grade one orientation which will be all day Tuesday, and the other one is done the end of this next week. Gymnastics is done, Soccer windup party is this next week, field trips are done, volunteer commitments are done, end of year parties and picnics and presentations and all that "stuff" is winding down, and not a moment too soon. The calendar was overflowing and so was my poor head. Much beer has been consumed of late, it is a coping mechanism which works for me. And I'm almost out of wine damnit. So what's a girl to do but switch to beer? You don't wanna have me drinking the hard stuff, that is just scary. I watched a comic on tv last night talking about Canadians and their whiskey, and it brought back some memories, let me tell you. Yeah... not so pretty I might add. heehee.

I have wondrous joyous happy news, well at least for me it is. I am now no longer, as of today, working Saturdays!!!!!! I have worked every Saturday as well as two or three evenings a week for the past year and so have had only one day per week as a family. I did it, it worked for us at the time, but I am now so ready to spend more of my energy at home, I am elated. Well, and there is the whole new business thing as well, which is going swimmingly. I will still work three evenings per week but now it's Monday thru Wed only. How fucking cool is that? Pretty fucking cool I say! As I slurp back my beer and belch loudly at the screen. Oh yeah!!!

I want Prince to do a private concert for ME!! What is UP with that? How much do you think that would set me back? Well maybe Prince and John Mayer, me and Chunks could go in together on it...hmmmmmm, I may be onto something. Anyone, anyone???? Now would that not be the fucking cat's ass? What does that mean anyways, the cat's ass? What's so great about the cat's ass? Why do we care about it in the first place? Is it a pussy reference, a sexual position reference, what IS it? Someone please clarify.

Back to John Mayer, I was listening to him in the car today on the way to work and I think I love wait, I DO LOVE HIM! His voice is so creamy and sweet, I could listen to him for days. And I do not care what anyone says, boy is HOT! H-O-T. Oh to be young, single, living in LA, a groupie, Jennifer Love Hewitt even, I'll even sink THAT low, cuz you know, he did her.
A LOT!!!! Her body is a frickin wonderland. I want my body to be a wonderland, just for John.:)

Apparently I have sex on the brain tonight, how odd.....haha. Those of you who know me know that I always have sex on the brain. It's not just the men, fuck stereotypes. I actually think that is a falsehood created by religious leaders and the like to keep women's expectations low, keep them guilty/subordinate and needy/unfulfilled, but hey, that's just me. Most of the women I know want it more than their husbands do, so as with all things, it is completely individual and not based on gender. Blah blah blah, pass the beer nuts. All I need is a big old penis cup and I'm ready to pah-tay........

On that note, ciao for now babies.


Chunks said...

I will ask Leener's sisters where they got the wang cup and send you one for christmas. It might be hard to explain at the soccer pitch though.

How much beer did you drink before you posted? hehee!

John Mayer didn't really sleep with her, did he? I mean, really? Was she in the video? I will have to YouTube it.

Maybe if your business catches John Mayer's attention, he will play for us. I mean, he was your inspiration after all!

tornwordo said...

Sounds like you're going to get to enjoy some of the summer after all! Drink a beer for me will ya?

r said...

I was wondering where you've been.

Beer is good. I like wheat beer. or Stout. Or... well...
Beer is good.

But don't run out of wine. Get yourself to the store right now. You never know when your shee-shee friends are gonna show up and you'll need some Chardonnay.

JT said...

this is horrible to admit, but i inadvertently end up trying to picture damn near everyone i know having sex. not with me - just, you know, trying to imagine them doing it. Like, there's some people i know and i just think "how the hell does it happen with that?" and well, you know what i mean. it's funny because my two ex-coworkers who i meet most days for coffee break at Tims and i always had that convo about our coworkers and then would laugh our asses off.
did i ever tell u about the prince tickets we had, 6th row centre? and he cancelled? yup. little purple bastard!

Anonymous said...

God, that infected finger thing must have been scary. Your kids are still so young.

And I want to know exactly how the business is going? I'm all about hearing the startup details! Is it top secret? I must know.

Anonymous said...

Oh, JT is making me laugh. ...little purple bastard.

And also, dude, my brain is all, "hey, what do you think those two are like having sex?" and then my ... what? Other brain? Better self? Whatever. My whatever is all, "SHUT UP, SHUT UP, SHUT UP, lalalalala I'm not listening!" Because then I would be haunted by whatever image I come up with for all time, there it would be just behind my eyes whenever I spoke to the person.

Did I mention that I cannot deal with looking my next door neighbors in the eye right now? The ones who live on the side of the house our bedroom is on. Because I'm certain that they have accidentally heard me during sex.

I'm all weird that way.