Friday, June 8, 2007

Karma Police......

Where the hell are they?? I mean the world of Hollywood going to hell in a hand basket or what? Who am I kidding, there's no "going" here. Gone is the operative term. And that's all I'm gonna say about that, there is lots of shitty karma flying these days, but I'm hoping the happy energy is still flowing freely everywhere else. Balance people, balance.

I went through a HUGE Radiohead phase a few years back and still think they are amazing. Their music takes you somewhere else whenever you listen to it, no matter how many times you've heard it before. I love that. They were another of those concerts that sold shirts that were supposed to fit women but would really only fit a 12 year old girl who doesn't eat her wheaties. That is my only concert gripe I have to say. I don't really want another square shaped too long boxy old shirt, I want a nice shorter waisted shaped tee that is bigger than a size friggin zero though! Girls got boobs, she needs some space here. Don't even get me started on the muffin top. ha. So now I forgo the shirt and just cheer madly for the music. There is nothing better than a live show, that palpable energy is so invigorating.

The kids are home from school today so we are having a slow morning, just the way mommies who hate mornings like to do it. My little gal is going to a friends' after lunch so I can spend some time doing something fun with the little dude. It is part of a re connection strategy suggested to me by a friend who has had similar struggles with her son, and found great success with it. Often boys will just stay away and not really pursue the affection or time together so you forget that they still really need it and are a bit lost. I know we'll have fun doing some one on one, it will go too fast probably. I'm looking forward to it!!

Torn was asking about the business I started. It is a curbside pickup for recyclables. In our small town of 10,000, we have a depot for drop off but no pickup available through the municipality, so a friend and I, in an attempt to hopefully encourage people to do it, and also to maybe eventually earn a small income, will be picking up all recyclables once per week and taking them to the local depot for drop off. Of course, it poured rain and the wind blew like a sumbitch all day, so we got very wet and chased a few lids down the road and such, but much was learned and it was fun and exciting to be doing something that was our very own. We will be trying to build it up slowly so that we can manage our volume effectively because even with the few we have, the volume was a bit surprising. We have some planning to do in order to manage it without spending too much money off the start. I have big ideas for other things to go with it, but all in time I think. Next year both of my kids will be in school full time and I'll have more time to dedicate to it.

My garden is still a hole with lumps of sod on top of it. It has been raining a lot lately and I have been sorely lacking the energy to do something with it, but it requires some more preparation before it will grow anything anyways, as the soil quality isn't that great yet. I was planning the standard stuff, peas, carrots, corn and potatoes, but I may not get it done this year. I'm running out of time already I think, not that I know a damn thing about it really!haha. I am just flying by the seat of my gardening pants really....Oh, and Patricia asked about the wine, always a dry red, usually a Shiraz, or Pinot Noir, this one I got is a Petite Sirah, so I'm looking forward to it! It always goes pretty fast, 28 bottles, that's only one per day-heehee.

Back to the title, can we all just please watch the karma a little better please? I'm not a superstitious person but I do believe in energy and people are just far too self involved these days. Move out of your heads, this is including myself, and look around. Do something nice for a stranger, put someone else first, perform a random act of kindness, forgive someone for being human, let's try to increase the balance in the old ying/yang equation. I am feeling optimistic.......and I really think these actions turn around and reflect themselves in your daily life if you are willing to see it. They may be small, but they're there.

On that note, Peace, Love, and all that good sappy stuff be coming your way. Happy weekend!


Jenny said...

Great post Devo!
We just signed up 2 months ago for the curbside pickup. They only pickup in our area once a month and everywhere else twice a month. I pay $15 to have them come and pick up the recyclables...that used to include the bags but just got a notice we have to supply the bags. Part of me knows it's cheaper(or rather more cost effective) to bring my own recyclables in,but I know that our town needs to rally around the small businesses.
Sorry for hogging your comment space...
just wanted to say...good luck on the business venture!!!

tornwordo said...

Sounds like a great start up business. A friend of mine retired a millionaire after starting a refuse pickup business and then selling it to a big company.

Chunks said...

Oh Fuck, I thought I had commented on this post already. Imagine my surprise to see that I hadn't!

Okay, I don't know shit about Radiohead. It must have been during my Big Comfy Couch/Barney phase when I wasn't cool. I will have to look them up.

My favorite shirts are my concert t-shirts, even my only-on-my-skinny-days Blue Rodeo t-shirt. Even my big-as-a-mumu Bryan Adams t-shirt is a fave. Ahhh the concert tee.

I need wine.

Anonymous said...

Em and I just saw the Indigo Girls last week. They are so awesome! You're right, there's nothing like live music.

As far as the karma thing goes, to quote another band, "All you need is love..."

Patricia said...

i'm so behind on blogs!

karma, indeed. what goes around comes around. it reminds me of that book all i really need to know i learned in kindergarten or something like that. it's a little hokey but it's so true!