Sunday, June 3, 2007

Comfortably Numb.....

Well not really, but wouldn't that be nice??? I just need to drink more wine.

I am pleased to report that the insane emotional roller coaster has dulled itself into just a plain old comfortably grumpy mode. Home sweet home.......hahaha.

Where to begin? The past week has been a blur, not much unlike my entire life of late. I do not like being super busy, partly because I still feel like I'm getting nothing done, but whatever, I guess that's just life. I cannot wait for school to end so that the endless demands involved with that dog and pony show can come to a halt. Parent committees, field trips, fundraising, volunteerism, political battles, sporting events, the whole kit and kaboodle can just go jump off a fargin' cliff for all I care. Did I mention I'm counting down?

I worked all day yesterday and the weather was beautiful, so I felt a bit bitter about it. However, my lovely husband dug my garden for me. I smiled and said(exact quote)"I hear all the other husbands are doing it honey, please will you?" He grinned at me and rolled his eyes, so I wasn't quite sure if he was willing to fall into my clever trap. Now I have a gaping hole in my yard and a shitload of sod to get rid of, hopefully I can sucker him into doing some more of it for me this week-haha.

Today was another gorgeous day and I woke up guessed it, grumpy! But I packed up the car and we headed to the mountains and took our kids hiking for the first time. We used to go all the time before we had them, but our first one was a colicky cranky bad travelling type of baby, so the road trip became a distant memory PDQ. They are now 8 and 5, and we figured it was time. We had a great day and a fairly challenging hike so I felt like I really got some exercise as well as enjoying a day with my family so it was a double bonus.

I haven't done my workouts for two weeks so I will be getting back on it tomorrow as I know it will really help with my hormonal issues. I will also be pursuing some reading on herbal and other therapies this week so I can tackle it more aggressively before I resort to pharmaceuticals. They scare me a bit, and rightly so.

I am catching up on my laundry right now and hopefully will get a little housework done at some point this week. This Wednesday is the first day for our pickups for the new business so that is exciting and making it all seem real. W is staying home from work tomorrow so he will be in the way somewhat but hopefully I can keep him busy and useful-haha.

All in all, it was a successful weekend, especially since I have yet to burst into flames. Instead I shall just teeter on the edge for the next week or so. Fun times, where's that new wine kit I bought? I think we need to get that fucker going;)



tornwordo said...

Hiking with the family is the best medicine. And what business? Did I miss something?

Chunks said...

Oh how calm you sound! Must be the vino. I'm glad the hike wasn't a smorgasborg for bears, I was worried about you out there in K-country.

Just breathe. Everything will work out. Oh and how much do I love the "I hear all the other husbands are doing it" line. Guilt gets them every time!

Jenny said...

Hiking is the best isn't it!
We still can't do anything too challenging cuz our youngest is 4 and tends to complain a lot after awhile.
I need to find some natural supplements as well...I have the perio thing going on as well. My skin is zitted out and I'm either on a happy high or pissed at the world! Ugh...
Have a great day!

Patricia said...

i wish that line worked on my hubs but there's no way.

what are you going to plant? and what wine do you like?

r said...

It's all about the garden. Makes your troubles fly away.

Hope the weather continues to be grand.