Friday, June 29, 2007

Thunder....AH A A A A A A A

Well peeps, my oh my, here it is Friday and summer hols just started for real and I am NOT DRINKING! What the H-E-double hockey sticks is wrong with me? I really should be, I want to, there are cold beers in the fridge and wine in the rack and here I sit, guzzling Aquafina and feeling tired as all get out. I even started my happy days today and yet I am booze free.

It has been tornadoing, thunderstorming, raining, lightning, hailing, you name it, on and off for a couple of weeks, and another tornado hit outside of town the other night. So....last night, when we started to hear the cracking and booming that sounded like it was in my fargin' bed, both kids ran crying into my bed and my husband left to monitor the storm from the living room, along with my brother who is visiting and not loving the storm action much either. A sleepless night and an early morning, on the first day of hols. I REALLY should be drinking, no? Maybe I'm ill, like, mentally. Well I mean more than usual. It is storming yet again as I speak/type, and I am wanting to just go to bed but I am avoiding the annoyance of having my efforts thwarted by the noise of thunder splitting my house in two. I guess it's not a good idea to be drunk if you have to get the kids under something besides your own fat ass landing on them at the bottom of the basement stairs, as you bolt from the fucking circling funnel clouds. Fun times.

So if I don't get thrown to Kansas tonight with Toto, I'll be back...............................


tornwordo said...

You're so lucky. I adore the storms. They seem to keep skirting by us lately.

Chunks said...

"kids under something besides your own fat ass landing on them at the bottom of the basement stairs"

I spit all over my fucking laptop thankyouverymuch!

Don't ya love Alberta in the summer?~! Storming here too, though no tornados, that I know of. I went to bed at 11:00 last night because I was scared the power would go out and didn't want to whack into anything. A crack of thunder woke me from a dead sleep and I screamed and woke up the dog, who I made sleep with me. It was a fun night!

Did I mention I was alone? Alone in a storm is as bad as having frightened little kids with you because YOU are the frightened little kid! I hope this torrential rain stuff goes away soon.

Chunks said...

Oh and it is a few hours later and I just got the AC/DC thing. Der!

Anonymous said...

Oh man, I grew up with thunderstorms and tornados. It was always so exciting when we would be whisked down to the basement to sleep for the rest of the night. Well... you know, scary exciting. And the color that the sky gets sometimes... I'm jealous. Torn and I used to go off in search of storms around here.

I'm sorry it is scary though. When they just keep coming it can get old.

JT said...

i am so with Torn - i love storms. we had a big one friday night, at about 3 a.m. at the lake and it knocked the power out for 9 hours, but alas i didn't even realize how bad it was until the morning. It's supposed to be 33 on friday, so if it warms up, maybe we'll get some nasty low-front on high-front action! oooooh, yeah baby, feel my barometric pressure start to rise.....

Anonymous said...

I guess we all want what we don't get. Those with little to no storms want one. Those with too many would like a break.

Patricia said...

summer hols?


like holidays?

i'm so lost.

hope your world is treating you well and if not... smack it upside the head!