Friday, July 6, 2007

And grace,too

I apologize if I gave anyone the impression that I am a disliker of the thunderstorm. Not I, said the curly haired girl. I LOVE thunderstorms, walking in the rain, and all sounds and smells associated with them. However, tornadoes are not something I am a huge fan of. Nope, not even a little bit, me no like. Just clearin' that up.

Where have I been, you may ask? Well, it is a long and sordid tale, full of action, angst, and the like, none of which I will bore you with, but suffice it to say, I am happy it is Friday!!!!! I had some family here on and off for the past week, and it was busy and a bit codependent and frustrating, but all in all, it was good and can be now perceived as a positive experience in hindsight-haha. I wish I were better able to cohesively relate to and enjoy some of the moments of my life as they are happening, rather than just appreciating them in retrospect. Ah, the art of flailing, as Em so aptly put it, I am a master. A grand fucking master, actually. :)

So now it is Friday, and I spent the better part of the evening on a long phone call with my youngest sister, who lives in Vancouver, laughing and talking and sharing, and it was so nice and relaxing and centering. And the four beers didn't hurt either. I am finally reaching the point where I just don't take on any of the stuff that is going on around me when I am taking time for myself, and although I know my husband is tired and cranky, I believe in his ability to cope on his own while I talk, and I choose not to take it personally that he is feeling hard done by. I feel like I have a measure of grace today and I like it. These moments are few and fleeting, so I must milk them for all they are worth, damn it.

In case you are unaware of the song title reference, Chunks, it is The Tragically Hip, another band whom I adore and own every album from.

Happy Day 1 of the Calgary Stampede!! May your knackers not be tied in a knot as you are ridden around a large overcrowded arena by a large man with spurs on his boots. Gotta love them cowboys tho, they're just so damn cute. Can't help it. It's a childhood thing......

Ciao babies. Have a supercalafragalistic weekend.


Chunks said...

I DO know the Hip! Remember when I didn't? God, that was when I vowed to become cool again. Now look at me. (HA!)

I'm glad you caught up with T and that it erased all the hulabaloo of the last week.

Does hubby wubby need some lubby? Sorry, I couldn't resist. Damn hubbies are like babies!

anabel said...

Ah co-dependency. The bedrock of most families.

Hey thanks for your notes of support. Every bit counts right now.

Patricia said...

i love those moments of grace, i really do. and i'm trying so hard to recognize them more often. i think they present themselves all the time, i'm just too busy - being busy or being mad or being emotional - that i don't see them right in front of me.

r said...

Hmm... I don't know if I've ever had a good talk with my sister. It often ends with her hanging up on me because I had an opinion with which she didn't agree.

Now, what's the Calgary Stampede? Some weirdo Canadian thing I suppose?

Devo said...

Only the biggest rodeo on earth, or some godforsaken thing!! I've actually never been, even though I've lived in Alberta most of my life. I am not a rodeo girl, but I do enjoy the cowboy scenery from time to time.;)

Anonymous said...

Wow, so *you* are the GFM of Flailing. I bow in your direction.

I loved your sentence about your poor hard done by husband. How you believe in his abilities. So wonderful. It sounds like mental health! Sometimes I can even join you there.