Saturday, September 8, 2007

I tore that bitch up!

Yeah. The contract is fucking toast. It's a regular old peepoop fest in my yard, and I tell ya, best fucking thing I ever did, cuz I was ready to kill myself, the dog and my husband, all in one big fell swoop!! That and spending about 4 hours on the phone with my little godsend, the Chunkster, and mama's almost feeling normal again. This perimeno bullshit is kicking the crap out of me. Last month was a free ride and I knew it. It was good, I felt fine, hardly any moods, no cramps, no aching hips for a week and a half. A girl could get used to that. But NOOOOOOOOOOOOO! The day that fucker ended, my psyche went straight into the fucking shitter. And it stayed firmly put for about 2 and a half weeks. Misery, fatigue, aches and pains, anxiety, psychotic leanings, the whole damn sha-bang. This sucks major dick if you ask me. Note the potty mouth here, I am still not out of the woods. Yeah, it aint pretty, not one bit. Thank God for Coors light. And if that doesn't work I made a dr appt for the 21st.

But I joined a brand new gym that just opened today, and I am going tomorrow for a little spin on the elliptical and maybe a little bit of weights just to get me started. YAY YAY YAY!! I used to go to the gym at least 5 days a week before we moved here and have not had access to one for a year and a half, and I'm sure that has something to do with my lack of mental balance-haha. I feel really excited to get into that kind of routine again, as it feels so good to go and do that for my body every day.

My puppy girl Casey is doing swimmingly. She is cute as a damn button and is starting to figure things out a bit more all the time. We have a bit of a routine now and she is growing so fast it's amazing!! I have to work my first day shift on Monday and leave her alone pretty much all day with only a quick visit at lunch time so I am already feeling bad about it, cuz guilt is my fucking middle name. I know, I know, she's a DOG!! Everyone keeps saying that, but I still feel bad for her to have to adjust for the first little while. Poor little fuzzball.

The kids have adjusted wonderfully to being back in school and I am really loving having some time to myself, it is pure heaven, and NO, I feel no guilt(well maybe a little;) for saying that. haha. But seriously, it's FUCKING GREAT!!!! Yes I love my kids and all, yada yada yada, whatever, it's FUCKING GREAT!! Did I already say that?? hardehar.
So yeah, Rock and Roll aint noise pollution peeps.


tornwordo said...

Is the contract the recycling contract? Or some mystery euphemism? sorry for your wacky hormone swings, I hope you and the doc can sort that out.

My mom trained her little dog to go poop in a little kiddie pool that she lines with newspapers. She can put the kiddie pool anywhere, in the garage in the winter, outside when she's gardening etc. When I was a teenager she used to keep it in the kitchen next to the table. (Which is gross because the dog always seemed to get the urge during dinner.)This might explain some of my poop fixation.

Chunks said...

Husbands hate me. Wives idolize me. What can I say? I tell ya, they should bottle me up and sell me to wives everywhere.


I wish you lived here then we could go to the gym together. And we could let our dogs shit where ever they wanted and we could drink wine and Coors Lite whenever too.

On second thought, we'd be alcoholics and would probably have to go to rehab so maybe it's best you stay south. LOL!

Devo said...

Hey Torn, the contract was the one I had with hubby to make doggy pee poop in only one area! Dumbest thing I ever agreed to in my life I think!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I smell where you are coming from with the hormone suffering, sister! One minute everything is fine, and the next it is like someone downloaded a virus to my brain. A rilly, rilly bad one too, that corrupts all the good info.

JT said...

well my motherfucking puppy pissed twice and shat once tonight in my house, so, as i say, mr. devo can just suck my ass if he doesn't want his motherfucking carigana's pissed on - at least it's doing it's jobs outside.
but i love my dog, don't get me wrong, and she had a shot today from the vet, so maybe she's jsut acting out. or maybe she just is just freaked out by the sit of the boil of 2007 poking out of my shirt....

JT said...

LOLLLLLLLLL, love the typos I made - sounds like i'm into the lizard mixture.... sigh, if only....

Patricia said...

yay, puppy gets to make poopies wherever she wants! and i am so relieved to hear you say you feel guilty for leaving her. mine is already alone during the day a lot so on the rare occasion that i go out in the evening, i feel like a monster for making her... you know... sleep on my couch, free roam of the house, fan left on for her. yeah, i should have it so good.

r said...

Okay, that story from Torn? Ew.

I hope the mood swings are short and in the other direction (and there's always vicodon you know.)