Sunday, May 27, 2007

Sunshine on my shoulders.....

will give me cancer! Didn't seem to stop me from getting a little pink on the shoulders today when I was outside in my sunbathed snow free green grassed back yard pretending to dig a garden. The weather was gorgeous yesterday and today, but I missed all of it yesterday as I was at my boring crappy excuse for a job. Oh well, mama's gotta buy her trinkets y'know.

Like funny little foam hair rollers. I bought some. You might ask,"why would someone with hair like you need rollers?" Well, grasshopper, it's to loosen the nasty old frizzy curls if you can believe it. So I sit here tonight with rollers in my hair and a do-rag on feeling a bit like a babushka or something. I'm sure I'll think it looks like total shit in the morning and wet it all down and start over anyways, but it's worth a shot.

I used to love listening to John Denver when I was young, but I never actually much liked this song. I liked most of his songs that didn't become quite as popular and my parents were huge fans so we listened to a great deal of it! Ian and Sylvia, Johnny Cash, Johnny Horton, Marty Robbins, Elvis, all of that genre. I love it still because it brings me back to what I now see as a simpler time in my life. At the time, I was thinking it was just crap a lot of the time since I was a bit of a drama queen, (probably still am-heehee). Then you become a mom and see it all differently.

Then we got a bit older and my parents started letting us choose the odd fluffy music to bring home, so ABBA was HUGE in our house, and I still love them. Always have, always will. I and the kids watched a special about them the other night and they were enthralled with it and really enjoyed the music even after all these years. Cool. I love it. My little gal is so funny, she was telling me earlier today that she can write her own songs and sing them too and she will be a songwriter when she grows up. The way she says it is the best part really. She does walk around all day making up songs and singing away, it is really something to hear. Pure fun entertainment!!

I hope you all had a wonderful spring weekend, and start your week off refreshed, relaxed, and regenerated. I love alliteration. I know, I'm a geek.

Oh and I had to change my template in order to have it show the damn date as the one I had didn't seem to want to co operate. That was for Rebekah!!:)


Chunks said...

I love the whole music theme. It's keen.

I want to see what the rollers make your hair do. Send me a vid in the morning before you wash it out! lol.

I love the new look. I love polka dots, that is why. And ABBA too, they totally remind me of you because I had never listened to them like we listened to them at your house. ABBA=Devo to me.

Wouldn't that be something if daughter became a big time singer? I mean, I am sure she could sell just as many records as Johnny Horton! With the internet now, she could be the next big thing. Give that girl a pen! Oh and tell her to stay away from any drummers.

tornwordo said...

I do that too, walk around singing made up songs. Lots of blues I was doing yesterday. Have you seen Mamma Mia? That's a great show with Abba songs.

Patricia said...

thank goodness you said that you changed the template because i swear, i spent the first five minutes staring at your blog, thinking, "wait, last time devo was on that side of the page!"

babushka. i love, love, love that word. always have and you are the only one besides my mom whom i've ever heard (seen?) say (type?) it. phew! that was hard work.

i haven't thought about those foam rollers in years. i used to attempt to sleep in them because i wanted curly hair. now i just french braid it for a couple days. that might relax your hair some, too.

chatty commenter today, aren't i? sorry.