Thursday, May 24, 2007

We've got everything....

Anyone up for a little Modest Mouse? One of my favorite CD's right now...give them a listen.

If that link doesn't work it's because I truly have no fargin' clue what I'm doing. But type them in and have a listen. They rock!

It snowed here last night, about a million fucking inches to be exact! Everything is totally covered, about a foot deep on my BBQ and it is still fallin'. How do you like them apples? Me, not so much.

Have a happy day, I am pretending it's spring.


Patricia said...

snow? in almost-june? oh now that is wrong. just plain wrong. on so many levels.

that was a catchy tune, by the way. and something i'd never ordinarily listen to. i like that!

Chunks said...

Snow. Shit No One Wants. I read that you guys got snow down there and I said "WHOA better them than me!" I'm compassionate.

Modest Mouse eh? I've only heard one of their songs, now I am going to click on your linky and see if it is the same one.

tornwordo said...

Yikes! Here it's 31 and I've got the a/c going.

r said...

Just the beginning of two months of fog here. May-Gray and June-Gloom they call it.

Hey Devo? How come there's no date stamp on your posts? We can't tell when you wrote what.

Or, am I being a moron as usual, and it's in plain sight somewhere?

Hope your weekend is fun one way or another.

Devo said...

Well Rebekah, that is a very good question, I have it set to show a header yet the darn thing just won't do it so I am at a loss. It comes up with comments but not in the post??? Weird, and I am so not technical it's not funny. I may require the assistance of a certain tall dark and handsome man (aka hubby) haha.

Chunks said...

I've been listening to John Mayer all morning and I love him. Just thought I would share.

Anonymous said...

Hey Devo! Allow me to say I'm terribly sorry about the snow. By the time May (and the end too!) rolls around, it really should be finished.

I read back a bit and I would have cried my eyes out about the Mothers Day thing too. I love the idea that Rox had. Of course the fact that he is joking or telling you stuff is huge and wonderful, and as Eduardo's dad says, there is no greater joy or sorrow than being a parent".

School is over in 6 more weeks. I miss reading everyone's blogs so bad, I can hardly wait.