Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Stop this train....I wanna get off

'cept I'm not sure about the whole "and go home again" thing. Ah, John Mayer, your soft dreamy voice is like the whipped cream on my strawberry shortcake. Or somethin'.....

Oh the sweet bliss of pre-menopausal psychosis. NOT!! I am deeply entrenched and it seems to be worsening at a rapid pace this past year. I am about ready to make an appt with my lovely female doctor who will not be telling me it's all in my head and to exercise more, but maybe provide me with some other options for managing it a bit better. When you reach the point that you just want to discard your body as it feels like your spirit is attempting to claw its way out of it, you know it's time to ask for some help. It feels so emotionally uncomfortable and painful, I can no longer embrace it maturely or effectively.

So, on that sweet note, I will proceed with Chunks' MEME, here goes:Three Things MeMe...

Three Things That Scare Me:
1. Child abductors
2. Semi trucks
3. Pitbulls

Three People Who Make Me Laugh:
1. Roxanne
2. Warren
3. Steve Carell

Three Things I Love:
1. Strawberry Shortcake(homemade only!)
2. Escaping in music
3. Laughing

Three Things I Hate:
1. Self centeredness
2. Gratuitous violence
3. Lazy parenting

Three Things I Don’t Understand:
1. Quantum physics
2. Extreme ambition/workaholics
3. Why anyone would want a stick shift

Three Things On My Desk:
1. John Mayer poster
2. Glass of wine I'm drinking
3. Computer!!!!

Three Things I’m Doing Right Now:
1. Drinking
2. Barely coping
3. Did I mention drinking?

Three Things I Want To Do Before I Die:
1. See my kids have babies/be a cool granny
2. Travel
3. Pursue artistic expression

Three Things I Can Do:
1. Headbang like a sumbitch
2. Make up really silly songs
3. Worry about inconsequential shit

Three Things I Can’t Do:
1. Rocket science
2. Knit
3. Chin ups

Three Things I Think You Should Listen To:
1. Your instincts
2. Advice from your parents
3. Coldplay

Three Things You Should Never Listen To:
1. Male doctors over 50
2. Mean gossip
3. Commercials

Three Things I’d Like To Learn:
1. How to sew really well
2. To play an instrument
3. To be fully spiritual in a healthy way

Three Favorite Foods:
1. Prime Rib
2. My homemade strawberry shortcake
3. French fries and gravy

Three Shows I Watched As A Kid:
1. Mr Dressup
2. Happy Days
3. General Hospital

Three Things I Regret:
1. Losing my virginity so young and to the wrong guy
2. Not asking for more help after having my babies
3. Pleather pants and fingerless gloves

And there you have it folks! Rock on! Oh I almost forgot I'm supposed to tag someone, not sure who is even reading so I'll wing it with Patricia, Torn, and Rebekah!


Chunks said...

That explains why I had so many small bags of Cheetos yesterday, I'm ovulating!! WOOHOO! I thought I was just a pig.

I was going to call you last night but then I figured you might be working but it looks like I should have. You sound like you could use a laugh. Since I am your number one laugh maker...:)

I love that you have the JM poster on your desk. That makes me smile.

I firmly believe that the level of prementrual angst is in direct proportion to how much excercise, what foods we eat and the external stressors in our lives. You've had a lot this last year, work, kids, starting a business, painting, yard work. You need a vacation. Wanna go somewhere?

Patricia said...

i love strawberry shortcake, too. but i can't make good biscuits to save my life.

i uhmmm kinda miss my stick shift cars. there's somethin about it! plus, it gives much better control in the snow. but yeah, after a while, it's kind of a lot of work, said the lazy woman.

knitting's good. and easy. you can learn in five minutes. crocheting is even better! wait til fall when the air turns crisp and that crafty feeling overtakes you.

you crazy canadians with your gravy on fries!

i'll honor my tag as soon as i can!

Anonymous said...

I think we must all be aligned in our cycles.. do you think blogging can do that?? crazyness

Anonymous said...

I just noticed Patricia's comments on gravy.. All I got to say is WTF? You Muricans don't have gravy on your fries.. OMG. There is nothing better than diner crinkle fries with gravy.. Hell gravy makes everything happy.. We used to have the best fries and gravy in our cafeteria, hey JT?
Now I am craving F&G.. Damn.

tornwordo said...

I'm going to remember that "male doctors over 50" one. Come to think of it, I agree.

Stick shifts don't die. Automatic transmissions do. Nuff said.

r said...

My god. Auntie Flow is about to visit me as well!

And boy, talk about a grouch; I nearly bit the head off one of my students today.

...I'm going off to work on my meme...

Anonymous said...

Oh Devo, that doesn't sound good! Hey, if you want to email me (w.dervish at gmail) your address I will send you some herbs that a bunch of women swear make their lives easier on a hormonal level. I have only had one cup of it so far, but dude, I could totally feel the estrogen in it.

I think that Rox is right too, it's all about the food, exercise and stress. I'm sorry that the stress is up, but remember to be nice to yourself to make up for it!

I love my own strawberry shortcake too. I drive a stick though, because of what Torn said.